Privacy policy

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Registered Office: Piazza Duca Degli Abruzzi,9 -85042 – Lagonegro (PZ) ITALY

C.F. 91014110760
P. IVA IT02125890760


Terms and conditions of use

The website of Associazione Cinema Mediterraneo. (“THE LUCAN FILM DAYS” INTERNATIONAL BASILICATA AWARD) is an online information service provided by Associazione Cinema Mediterraneo (hereinafter “Associazione Cinema Mediterraneo”). Your use is subject to your acceptance of the terms and conditions set out below, which you should read carefully. By using this Site you declare that you have read and accepted terms and conditions of use, which apply to any use of the Site.


Limits on use

The contents of the pages of the Site are Copyright © of Associazione Cinema Mediterraneo All rights reserved. The contents of the pages of the Site may not be copied, reproduced, transferred, uploaded, published or distributed in any way without the prior written consent of Associazione Cinema Mediterraneo, saves the hypothesis of personal and non-commercial use.

The trademarks and logos appearing on the Site are the property of Associazione Cinema Mediterraneo, as well as the intellectual property rights relating to the design, texts, graphics and other material of the Site. They may not be reproduced on any website other than this Site without the prior written consent of Associazione Cinema Mediterraneo. The name Associazione Cinema Mediterraneo and any brand that includes the name Associazione Cinema Mediterraneo cannot be inserted in other websites, without the prior written consent of Associazione Cinema Mediterraneo.


Liability limits

Associazione Cinema Mediterraneo makes no warranty or statement about the appropriateness, reliability, availability, absence of viruses or other components that may cause damage, accuracy of information, the services and related graphics contained in the Site.

In no case may Associazione Cinema Mediterraneo be held liable for direct, indirect, moral, incidental, special or consequential damages or for damages of any kind including, without limitation, damages for loss of use, data or profits, arising from, or in any way related to, the use or execution of the Site, the delay or inability to use the Site.

Under no circumstances will Associazione Cinema Mediterraneo and its directors, employees or collaborators be liable for any injury, loss, request, damage, direct or indirect of any kind, in any way connected with a use of the Site that does not comply with these terms and conditions.


All information and data included or present on the Site are of a purely indicative nature. Associazione Cinema Mediterraneo reserves the right to modify, in whole or in part, the Site, without notice.

Associazione Cinema Mediterraneo does not guarantee that the Website will be fully and correctly operational at all times.



The Site may contain hyperlinks to websites or services owned or provided by third parties.

Associazione Cinema Mediterraneo does not provide any guarantee, nor does it assume any responsibility for the aforementioned websites and/or services and their content or use (except as expressly provided by law).

The connection with other sites does not automatically imply that Associazione Cinema Mediterraneo sponsors or is affiliated with the entities that provide the services described in those sites.

Information received from Associazione Cinema Mediterraneo.

Any material sent to Associazione Cinema Mediterraneo, for example by e-mail or through the World Wide Web pages, will be considered non-confidential. Associazione Cinema Mediterraneo will not have any obligations with respect to such material and will be free to reproduce, use, reveal, show, transform, make derivative works and distribute it to third parties, without limits. In addition, Associazione Cinema Mediterraneo will be free to use all the ideas, concepts, know-how or technical knowledge contained in such material, for any purpose, including, without being limited to it, the development, production and marketing of products using such material. Anyone who sends material guarantees that the same is publishable and agrees to hold harmless Associazione Cinema Mediterraneo from any action by third parties in relation to such material.



A “cookie” (that is a small data file that some websites, while they are visited, can send to the visitor’s address) can be found somewhere in the Site, in order to track the visitor’s paths on the Site. If you prefer not to receive cookies, you can set your browser so that it warns you of the presence of a cookie and then decide whether to accept it or not. You can automatically reject all cookies by activating the appropriate option in your browser.



The processing of personal data communicated by visitors to Associazione Cinema Mediterraneo through this Site will take place in the following ways.

Associazione Cinema Mediterraneo Associazione Cinema Mediterraneo is the Data Controller of the personal data communicated to it by visitors to this Site. The processing of your personal data will be carried out by the Owner Associazione Cinema Mediterraneo, the subsidiaries of Associazione Cinema Mediterraneo and the partners, at the headquarters of Associazione Cinema Mediterraneo – 85100 Potenza (PZ) with paper and computer tools in compliance with the provisions on the protection of personal data and, in particular, security measures, pursuant to art. 31-35 and Annex B) of Legislative Decree No. 196 of 30 June 2003 (hereinafter referred to as “Code”) and with the observance of all precautionary measures that guarantee its relative confidentiality and security. Your personal data may be disclosed to company employees and/ or collaborators specifically appointed responsible and/ or in charge of processing pursuant to art. 29 and 30 of the Code. They may also become aware of your personal data any subjects to whom the Data Controllers should entrust outsourcing activities specifically appointed responsible and/ or in charge of processing pursuant to art. 29 and 30 of the Code. We also inform you that for the processing of data necessary for the execution of this contract, your consent is not necessary, as provided by art. 24 of the Personal Data Protection Code.

Your personal data may be transferred abroad, in compliance with the applicable legal provisions. Your personal data will not be disclosed, unless required by a law or regulation or by Community legislation. At any time you can exercise your rights against the data controller pursuant to art. 7 of the Code. In addition, your data will be processed by the Controllers for marketing purposes, for promotional activities, for the sending of information or advertising material, for opinion surveys and for the transmission and dissemination of the same also for commercial purposes. The processing of your data may take place through manual tools and/ or with the help of modern computer and telematic systems by the parties responsible for the execution of the aforementioned processing. The list of managers is available at the request of the interested party to the Owners.


Applicable law and place of jurisdiction.

These terms and conditions are governed by and interpreted by Italian law. For any dispute arising out of these terms and conditions or relating to them, the Court of Potenza, Italy shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

For everything not expressly provided here, the provisions of the Italian law in force apply.